Community Matters 2020
"In times like these, it’s uplifting to see people from all walks of life, stepping up to lend a helping hand to support our community. Best Care Agency Ltd. has done just that!" - Lindsey Fischer
With a shortage of the PPE , we have launched a project called Community Matters: with Community Unsung Heroes. Our sole mission is to provide protection to anyone who works in facilities & other essential workers that provide care & service for others. Best Care Agency Ltd. has recognized the needs of PPE and the demand being prioritized towards hospitals, so we decided to make it our mission to do something for our fellow community members and organizations who are vulnerable to catching COVID-19, like seniors and essential workers.
We at Best Care Agency did our research and learned what other countries, such as Slovakia and the Czech Republic, are doing to manage this pandemic. We discovered that homemade masks are the answer to the huge shortage of PPE because of the lack of access we have to surgical masks and N95s so we decided to follow our lead in Ontario, Canada long before other companies were all over the news. Our project launched March 20th and fully ran by April 1st until September 1,2020.
Zuzana Panek contacted local sewers to help with Producing Masks. The masks we were requesting from Sewing groups of Ladies based in Jarvis, Hamilton & Halton Region are hand-made with love of wonderful Sewers, and Vychodna Slovak Folk Group.
Zuzana’s Friend Sarah Yuli & her family were first participants in making masks for Our very own staff of Best Care Agency, Main lead in providing thousands of Masks for this Project was Canada Sew the Hamilton/Halton Sewing Group.
Best Care Community Matters 2020 has volunteered their time and resources to Organize all the events, Contacting Donors & distribute HomeMade Face Masks & other goods to Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes, Longo’s , McDonald , Steel Association, Hamilton Midwives and many other essential companies.
To keep Our project going, Best Care Agency: Community Matters was welcoming the general public to contribute their time and energy to help the fight by wearing masks and practicing social distancing, so we all could stay safe and return back to somehow new normal life. Each week until September 1st continued doing donation events. Each event had different donation gifts as Hand made masks, Faceshield, Gowns, Gift Baskets, Gift Bags with energy food for workers to share, Wine, Gift Cards, Flowers and much more. To find out more about our Project log on to Facebook and look for Community Matters 2020. The overall mission of this project is to teach people how social distancing and wearing masks help. We all want to mitigate the pandemic. Community Matters wants your help to continue to offer some protection for those most in need.
Zuzana & Paul Panek would like to thank the following people and organizations for Participation in this project & ongoing contributions:
•Ben Ribeiro : Visport Construction Company for donating PPE’s
•Robert Pender: Video Producer
•Linsey Fischer: Writer, Editor & Book Writing Coach,
•Sheila & Gio Albanese: Best Care Agency Ltd + Lob-Lows employee
•Heather Govender: Canada Saw the Halton/Hamilton group
•Marek & Dominika Sklencarova - Five Stars Unique Stucco
•Jenn & Kevin Robb - Royal LePage State Realty
• Brad Stevenett - Century 21 Miller Real Estate Ltd.
•Julie Mannella & Family
•Angels Hoffman and her family
•Sarah Yuly and her family,
•We would also like to thank the Rhinestone Court gang of Teenagers, Sophia Mannella, Maddy Hoffman, and Vanessa Panek for ironing & washing the masks •Hamilton sisters - Jessica & Samantha Sklencarova for making gift baskets and organizing masks
This project can show us all how small corporations and small businesses and even our community individuals including our children are helping Big front line corporations to stay safe and happy.
As Zuzana Panek The Project Director says: “ Big Fish won’t survive without small fish “
See full details of the project on Facebook: Community Matters 2020 https://www.facebook.com/communitymatters2020/